#1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer brings together a remarkable group of heroes with one thing in common: they were ordinary people who became extraordinary.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer brings together a remarkable group of heroes with one thing in common: they were ordinary people who became extraordinary.
Content Note
The Wright Brothers -- Team Hoyt -- Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel -- Mr. Rogers -- Miep Gies -- Roberto Clemente -- Amelia Earhart -- Nelson Mandela -- Norman Borlaug -- Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Anne Sullivan -- John Lennon -- Harriet Tubman -- Harry Houdini -- Jackie Robinson -- Albert Einstein -- Jesse Owens -- Jim Henson -- Jonas Salk -- Dr. Seuss -- Bella Abzug -- Dan West -- Mother Theresa -- Steven Spielberg -- George H.W. Bush -- Lucille Ball -- George Washington -- Charlie Chaplin -- Oprah Winfrey -- Frank Shankwitz -- Mark Twain -- Eleanor Roosevelt -- Neil Armstrong -- Paul Newman -- Pele -- Barbara Johns -- Aung San Suu Kyi -- Eli Segal -- Abraham Lincoln -- Andy Miyares -- Clara Hale -- Muhammad Ali -- Barack Obama -- Harper Lee -- Thomas Jefferson -- Mahatma Gandhi -- Frederick Douglass -- Chesley B. Sullenberger III -- Rosa Parks -- Lou Gehrig -- Teri Meltzer -- Ben Rubin -- Who is your hero?.