Fresh Meat: Baby Animals, Season 1.
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Fresh Meat: Baby Animals, Season 1.
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In the wild, the giraffe, the pronghorn, the zebra and the muskox young need to learn to walk immediately to escape predators. Giraffe calves stay close to their siblings and parents. Pronghorn are vulnerable to predators like wolves and coyotes in the wild. Baby pronghorns have no scent, so they can stay safely hidden even when predators are near. They learn life skills from the adults in the herd. Baby zebras walk and run almost immediately after birth. Running skills help them escape predators, and they whinny to warn each other of danger; but the foals stick close to their moms, whom they recognize by the pattern of their stripes, and their smell. In the wild, one zebra in the herd is always on guard. Arctic muskoxen mothers also protect their young from predators like wolves and foxes. Their undercoat fur, quiviut, helps them keep their calves warm in the Arctic winter and is highly valued for sweaters and scarves. All these babies need to learn survival skills quickly.
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