Siddhartha Gautama (aka The Buddha) was a 6th century BCE Indian sage whose spiritual teachings led to the founding of Buddhism, the fourth-largest religion in the world.
Siddhartha Gautama (aka The Buddha) was a 6th century BCE Indian sage whose spiritual teachings led to the founding of Buddhism, the fourth-largest religion in the world.
Content Note
The Buddha: his life in short -- Suffering: life is hard, but help is near -- Impermanence: this too shall pass -- Non-Self: self? there's no such thing -- Reincarnation: the endless tour -- Karma: do this, that happens -- Desire: wanting things -- Morality: do the right thing -- Mindfulness: attention must be paid -- Compassion: coffee and sympathy -- Love: the path of the heart -- The body: lotus time -- The way of the Bodhisattva: after you! -- Interdependence: good neighbors.