After Kony: Staging Hope is a documentary film that follows a team of actors, playwrights, and activists in Uganda who use theater to help escaped and displaced youth explore the traumatic events they have been through. Through dramatizing their stories, the teens are able to share their voices with the community and the world. The short plays address HIV/AIDS, peace, and reconciliation. These dramas also pose the taboo question; "When an escaped child soldier returns home, are his parents able to accept him?" "Is the community ready to embrace him as well?" Please preview prior to using this video as it contains subject matter which may not be appropriate for all audiences.
After Kony: Staging Hope is a documentary film that follows a team of actors, playwrights, and activists in Uganda who use theater to help escaped and displaced youth explore the traumatic events they have been through. Through dramatizing their stories, the teens are able to share their voices with the community and the world. The short plays address HIV/AIDS, peace, and reconciliation. These dramas also pose the taboo question; "When an escaped child soldier returns home, are his parents able to accept him?" "Is the community ready to embrace him as well?" Please preview prior to using this video as it contains subject matter which may not be appropriate for all audiences.
General Note
Originally released by First-Run Features (Firm), 2011.
Streaming video file encoded with permission for digital streaming by Infobase on March 26, 2015.
Content Note
LRA and Uganda --(2:47) -- Theater for the Acholi -- (2:08) -- IDP Camp -- (2:48) -- Drama Project -- (2:22) -- Theater Class Game -- (1:50) -- Experience of War -- (1:52) -- Telling Story -- (2:53) -- Road from Entebbe to Kitka -- (2:42) -- Meeting Volunteers -- (2:50) -- Cultural Exchange -- (4:54) -- Theater Exercises -- (2:53) -- War in Uganda -- (2:57) -- Group Discussions -- (2:48) -- Refugee Struggles -- (2:28) -- Perspective -- (2:40) -- Difficult Experiences -- (3:45) -- Maturing Quickly -- (3:37) -- Theater Practice -- (2:25) -- Theater Message -- (2:04) -- Relationship Building -- (2:05) -- Forced Into Atrocities -- (2:05) -- Using Local Culture -- (2:46) -- Remembering a Better Life -- (2:09) -- Radio Announcement -- (2:17) -- Play Comes Together -- (1:59) -- Refugee Camps -- (1:03) -- Unfocused Practice -- (3:28) -- Day of Performance -- (3:57) -- Ideals -- (2:40) -- Condom Use Skits -- (5:28) -- Forgiveness Skit -- (6:05) -- Successful Performance -- (0:49) -- Certificate Presentation -- (2:42) -- Hope for the Future -- (2:41) -- Epilogue -- (0:44) -- Credits: After Kony: Staging Hope -- (2:50).