Pressure is a short fiction film that addresses over scheduling, pressure, mental health, sports, competition, peer pressure, and bullying. The film was made collaboratively with students, inspired by their own experiences. This story is about a boy who is over scheduled, feeling pressure from both peers and parents to excel in basketball and school. As he tries to fit in time to practice for sports and study for math and a host of other activities, he feels the pressure and discovers that he can’t do everything.
Pressure is a short fiction film that addresses over scheduling, pressure, mental health, sports, competition, peer pressure, and bullying. The film was made collaboratively with students, inspired by their own experiences. This story is about a boy who is over scheduled, feeling pressure from both peers and parents to excel in basketball and school. As he tries to fit in time to practice for sports and study for math and a host of other activities, he feels the pressure and discovers that he can’t do everything.
General Note
Originally released by Revealing Media Group, 2016.
Streaming video file encoded with permission for digital streaming by Infobase on August 03, 2016.