Guidance on culturally responsive-sustaining remote education : centering equity, access, and educational justice
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Guidance on culturally responsive-sustaining remote education : centering equity, access, and educational justice
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More than 45 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have temporarily closed school buildings and turned to remote education to continue the important work of teaching and learning. We applaud students, families, education professionals, and administrators who are adopting new technology, innovative skills, and strategic processes to lessen the impact on our children’s education during this challenging time. We must, however, ask: how can we continue to center equity and culturally responsive-sustaining education as teaching and learning moves online? At NYU Metro Center, we want to provide those involved with the education of our children the support they will need to answer this question and others related to it as we all navigate the rapidly changing set of circumstances brought about by COVID-19. Our team of educational equity experts remain available to help. This resource document, while not comprehensive but fluid, is meant to provide guidance and answers to questions and concerns related to high-leverage teaching and learning practices for equity-based remote education. We know that school closings and event cancellations are impacting human connections, that we need different strategies for coming together, communicating, and achieving equity in education during this unique moment. For those of you currently relying on our services, we hope that this guidance document can assist you with ideas and equity insights, regardless the situation. With hundreds of thousands of educators and parents working from home, this is a moment to think differently, consider new ideas, and pivot resources. Over the weeks to come, our country will be connecting in ways far different than ever before—searching online for information, reading emails, attending virtual meetings, and sharing ideas via social media. We, at NYU Metro Center, do not want the question of equity to be sidelined, overlooked, or pressed to the margins, as we know vulnerable people are usually those most impacted by major crises. For more than 40 years, NYU Metro Center has been a leading voice in pushing a commitment to the vulnerable, partnering with organization to reduce inequity, working diligently with allies and friends to promote equity in education and beyond it. We hope that this document will support some of your critical educational needs and empower you to empower our young people as we cling to the lasting resilience of the human spirit to overcome this latest challenge.
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