Anything can be money as long as everyone agrees. The value of that money is constant fluctuating up or down. These fluctuations in value are a result of the economic and political environment of the issuing country. An exchange rate has been established to determine the value of one country's currency against another to equalize their values. Knowing which country has the stronger exchange rate can determine the purchasing costs of available goods and services. Money is also a tradable commodity bought and sold on the financial market.
Anything can be money as long as everyone agrees. The value of that money is constant fluctuating up or down. These fluctuations in value are a result of the economic and political environment of the issuing country. An exchange rate has been established to determine the value of one country's currency against another to equalize their values. Knowing which country has the stronger exchange rate can determine the purchasing costs of available goods and services. Money is also a tradable commodity bought and sold on the financial market.
General Note
Originally released by Film Ideas, 2013.
Streaming video file encoded with permission for digital streaming by Infobase on August 28, 2019.
Content Note
Currency (5:21); --Currency Conversions (3:14); -- Money Value (3:11); -- Exchange Rates (4:34); -- Currency Value (4:33); -- Coins and Money (4:32); -- Credits: The Value of Money (0:52);.