Follow the Money (Episode 3)
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Follow the Money (Episode 3)
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This episode investigates the economics of the transatlantic slave trade. How did Europe's appetite for commodities like sugar and coffee cause an expansion in the slave trade? The Diving with a Purpose team goes to Suriname to dive the wreck of The Leusden. This Dutch ship represents the single greatest loss of life during the entire slave trade. As The Leusden was going down, the crew nailed the hatches, drowning over 640 Africans that could have been saved. The owners of The Leusden didn't hide this fact. On the contrary, they made an insurance claim for the dead Africans as "lost cargo." Navigating the jungles of Suriname, the Diving With a Purpose team go to the ruins of an old sugar plant to solve this centuries-old mass murder.Warning: The Enslaved series contains disturbing depictions of the inhumanity faced by enslaved people from African countries during the transatlantic slave trade, which may be traumatizing to some viewers. If you need support, there are resources available across the country, you can find links to a number of these resources in this post, curated by the Unison Benevolent Fund.
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