Daylight time, fall time change and changing your clocks explained
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Daylight time, fall time change and changing your clocks explained
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Daylight time and the time change have you confused? Wondering why we set our clocks back an hour each fall and an hour ahead each spring? It happens for most provinces in Canada every year on the first Sunday in November and on the second Sunday in March. The point is to take advantage of something known as daylight time - the times of day when there's natural light in the sky, with the goal of conserving energy that might otherwise be used on things like lights.  Moving the clocks forward one hour in the spring gives us more natural light during summer evenings. Moving the clocks back one hour in the fall gives us more natural light on winter mornings. Although officials in some parts of Canada and the U.S. have taken steps in recent years to get rid of the time change, it still happens in many Canadian provinces. First published on  November 3, 2022.
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