Raiders of the Lost Hive, Part 1
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Raiders of the Lost Hive, Part 1
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Video 1 of the Pollination Unit. In this vibrant and engaging animated cartoon parodying the iconic Indiana Jones and The Terminator, children are introduced to the fascinating world of honey bees and the mysterious crisis of their disappearance. The cunning JP Rothbone devises an evil plan to capitalize on the bees' vanishing act by creating a pollinating robot - The Pollinator - forcing desperate farmers and gardeners to rely on his invention to pollinate the vital crops that comprise a third of our food supply. Pa Fossil gives Bonehead the mission details so they can destroy JP's Pollinator prototype, and stop his plan to eradicate all the honey bees. Unfortunately, Bonehead's imagination gets the better of him, and he daydreams his own heroic mission, completely oblivious to what Pa Fossil is actually instructing him to do.
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