Ugly Cute: Baby Animals, Season 2.
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Ugly Cute: Baby Animals, Season 2.
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Humans adore baby animals, even when their parents may be somewhat ugly! A baby Baird tapir, living in an Arizona zoo, has a very affectionate mother. Their snouts, which are both an upper lip and a nose, are used to sniff out food and to pick leaves. They escape from predators by diving into water, and the striped and speckled pattern of the tapir calf's skin camouflages it on the floor of the South American rain forest, it's wild home. Gelada baboon babies are also cuter than their parents! The typical baboon family has a male and a number of females as well as babies, and in the wild in Ethopian mountains, familes band together in large groups to forage for food. Giant anteaters have very long snouts and stickly long tongues tha help them catch food like ants, termites and grubs. The pups love to ride on mom's back, and her claws are a powerful weapon in the South American jungle where they may be attacked by jaguars or pumas. Bactrian camels, another rare animal, have two humps, and a family in a zoo in England are loved by both parents. Their big feet are ideal for their desert homes, where they walk in herds on sand and rock. They can close their nostril during sandstorms, and the hair lining their ears protects them from sand as well. Their humps store fat so that they can survive when food is scarce. Zoos play an important role in helping these rare animals survive.
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