Becoming the math teacher you wish you'd had : ideas and strategies from vibrant classrooms
Becoming the math teacher you wish you'd had : ideas and strategies from vibrant classrooms
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While mathematicians describe mathematics as playful, beautiful, creative, and captivating, many students describe math class as boring, stressful, useless, and humiliating. In Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had, Tracy Zager helps teachers close this gap by making math class more like mathematics. Tracy spent years observing a diverse set of classrooms in which all students had access to meaningful mathematics. She partnered with teachers who helped students internalize the habits of mind of mathematicians as they grappled with age-appropriate content. From these scores of observations, Tracy selected and analyzed the most revealing, fruitful, thought-provoking examples of teaching and learning to share with you in this book. Through these vivid stories, you'll gain insight into effective instructional decision making. You'll engage with big concepts and pick up plenty of practical details about how to implement new teaching strategies. All teachers can move toward increasingly authentic, delightful, robust mathematics teaching and learning for themselves and their students. This important book helps us develop instructional techniques that will make the math classes we teach so much better than the math classes we took.
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