Who's in my classroom? : building developmentally and culturally responsive school communities
Who's in my classroom? : building developmentally and culturally responsive school communities
-- Who is in my classroom?
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"There is increased pressure for school teachers and administrators to better understand their students of color and become more responsive to their lives and needs. But how? Traditionally it has been difficult for schools to make time for instruction on "non-academic" subjects like race and social and emotional learning. However, for the first time, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (which took effect in 2017-18) required schools to select one "non-academic metric" (e.g., increases in SEL skills, decreases in discipline disparities) for measuring school quality and climate. This mandate, along with the social changes of the past six months, gives schools powerful motivation to purchase books and training that will help teachers and administrators create more responsive and effective school climates"-- Provided by publisher.
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