This program will explore the composition of Earth, including the characteristics of the Earth's surface, life on Earth, and the planet's many kinds of plants, animals, and fish.
This program will explore the composition of Earth, including the characteristics of the Earth's surface, life on Earth, and the planet's many kinds of plants, animals, and fish.
General Note
Originally released by Cerebellum Corporation, 2013.
Streaming video file encoded with permission for digital streaming by Infobase on July 10, 2018.
Content Note
Summary: The Planet Earth (2:21); --Life on Earth (2:08); -- Earth's Surface (3:39); -- Composition of the Earth (3:31); -- Planet Earth: Introduction (1:39); -- Composition of the Earth (2:10); -- Earth's Surface (3:39); -- Life on Earth (2:09); -- Summary (2:29); -- Credits: The Planet Earth (0:40); .